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L O O K  A T  T H E  T I M E

e n e r g y i n t a k e


P H O T O s




Your name is ENERGYINTAKE. Or, atleast, that is what you have been fond of being recognized by since the outset of your liking for the INTERNET- which was JULY THIRTEEN, TWO-THOUSAND ELEVEN. You are also indulged in the idea of being remembered by your typing habits by everyone you have met so far, which happen to be ALL CAPITITAL, USUALLY INSULTING GRAY CHARACTERS, due to your affection toward the fact everyone thinks you're yelling, and your tendency of anger. Within all these years you have matured responsivly in the art of STORY WRITING, MANIPULATION, and the ARTWORK of GORE [including a liking for HORROR], be it face-to-face, or within the comforting cloak your monitor provides for you. Similarly, you are very against the idea of IDENTITY, and fail to have anybody DESCRY you to be a real AGE or NAME unless the terms are somehow spared- even your voice has yet to be fully understood by anybody but the people you know, and even within the people you know, only one or so know your actual calm voice against your usual enraged tone. However, you still share a high INTEREST of tugging other's ropes toward acknowledging your PERSONALITY and figuring it out themselves- which everyone still seems to refuse and/or fail to do, even though you ache for somebody to actually talk to- which is against your outside personality entirely. You also, in reality, frequently get hurt or get into less-than-friendly situations that you usually manage- you, however, always find time for the internet, which is a place you seem to prefer. Despite a frequency of ASSISTING people, even though it is in the most MEAN and CRUDE demeanor possible, you usually CRITIZISE everyone's infaturation when it comes to a SOCIAL LIFE- which you do not have, nor want to. Due to this, you have developed likewise CAPABILITIES of COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY [not to mention liking of the dark, which is why sunglasses are a constant], which, considering your major DISLIKING of real SOCIAL ACTIVITY, you have taken advantage of with the examples consisting of an AUTO RESPONDER chat, or, SIMULATOR of yourself, and various other PROGRAMS revolving more or less around the DAILY INFORMATION you screenshot and collect from everyone you talk to. Everyone seems to find this very skeptical, but you percieve it to be a very helpful fashion in which to PROVE OTHERS WRONG, which you very much enjoy doing on a daily basis- and claim it to be an ENRICHING PROCESS for everybody besides you, when it really is just very inflicting on any actual situation where you'd have a friend, even though you call everybody 'friend'. However, it does prove to be very useful considering everything you do is for the GREATER GOOD 'ENRICHING PROCESS' so everyone can realize their own flaws and the flaws in the people they speak to. Maybe this is a bad thing. You do not recognize it to be. Despite your insulting attitude and anger and ruthless ambition to grab any opprotunity for control, you do not have the subtlety of some of your 'everyone' and end up with the sharp end of the stick more than once. Your real strength is to shephered your boneheaded 'everyone's into a plan or two so they can figure shit out themselves. And even against this flippant demeanor, you seem to care quite deeply for your friends' well being, judging by your usual constant, tedious reactions when they fail to message you, even if it isn't obvious. You are also quite interested in speaking to people across the INTERNET despite your METAL ISSUES and TRUST PROBLEMS, and rarely turn down the chance of speaking to somebody intelligent. That's when you realize- someone's messaging you on your favored PESTER CHATANGO site- or possibly it's just your equally as favored PESTER SKYPE.

What will you do?


>  Energyintake: Answer.


Energyintake: Answer.

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